Open for In-Person Therapeutic Disclosures Bringing Light into the Shadows
Therapeutic Disclosure
A Therapeutic Disclosure is for the couple who need to bring closure to the past, so they can build a new foundation from honesty, integrity, and accountability.
The disclosure is led by an experienced Certified Sex Addiction Therapist and Certified Clinical Partner Specialist who walk their clients through disclosing behaviors that caused the partner’s betrayal trauma and grief. Clients are prepared and gently guided through a process that is thoughtful for both individual’s needs and goals. Therapeutic Disclosures can be done in few ways:
- Three-day Intensive
- Four-day Intensive
- Wisconsin clients work with their treatment provider for an optimal plan
Supportive tools will be outlined and discussed in advance. Additional informational materials will be provided upon request.
- Art Therapy
- Brainspotting
- Mindfulness
- Somatic Awareness
The feedback we have consistently received from our clients is that the Therapeutic Disclosure was the reboot to the relationship. It was the stepping stone to their new relationship. Click here for more information.

Trust begins with truth.
Elizabeth A. Poth

Build a New Foundation Together A Journey of Knowledge, Understanding, and Empathy
Teaching the art of empathy is perhaps the single most rewarding experience in the work I do with my clients.
Elizabeth A. Poth
Specialist in Sexual Addiction and Betrayal Trauma

A message from the founder and owner of Odonata Wellness Center, LLC Elizabeth A. Poth, LPC, ATR, CSAT, CCPS, BSP-1…
We have safely transitioned to facilitate in-person disclosures due to the unique layout of our clinical space. This is how we have been able to accomplish this.
- Private no contact entrance
- Enclosed therapy rooms with five-foot by five-foot glass windows
- Solid barriers between clinicians and clients
- Solid barriers between clinicians
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards of sanitation
- All touchable surfaces are sanitized before and after each clinical use
- The use of a two-way communication device similar to the device used at a bank drive-through window
We strictly adhere to the CDC’s safety guidelines, as well as our own state and any updated federal requirements.
Prior to becoming a therapist, I once owned a commercial cleaning service specializing in the medical field. As such, I was trained in the OSHA standards of safety and sanitation, I bring that skill set to this environment. Safety for all is our number one priority. Click here for questions or more information.
Virtual tours are available upon request. Click here for more information.
Guidelines to Follow Upon Arrival
State Requirements:
August 2, 2020, Governor, Tony Ever’s mandated that masks must be worn in public spaces.
Public space here:
- Main Hallway
- Restroom(s)
- Entering and exiting Odonata Wellness Center, LLC through the no contact entry doorway
Before you arrive and upon your arrival:
- Enter through the no contact entry doorway
- An Informed Consent for In-Person Services, During COVID-19 Global Pandemic must be on file with Odonata Wellness Center, LLC
- Clients and staff will be required to have a temperature check each day of the disclosure process. A noncontact Infrared Forehead Thermometer will be used
- Note that the therapists will be wearing a mask throughout the process, but with mouth visibility

Retreats, Workshops, or Therapeutic Disclosure Allow This Moment To Be Your Reset Button
Safe and Supportive Counseling for Sex Addicts and Partners
A compassionate partnership in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
(414) 639-2441
Through a compassionate partnership, we work with clients by providing focused evidenced-based tools to support their recovery from sex addiction, pornography addiction, intimacy issues, couples infidelity and betrayal trauma.